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本主题被查看133959次, 共12个帖子
标题: Start with youself(从我做起)
UID: 36211
来自: 东莞
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积分: 1128
帖子: 1116
注册: 2013/1/24 11:33:00
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2013/5/11 8:20:00
回复:Start with youself(从我做起)
If I had changed myself first,then by example Icould have changed my family.From their inspiration and
encouragement,I would then have been abke to better my country and,who knows,I may have even changed the would.


本主题被查看133959次, 共12个帖子

标题: Start with youself(从我做起)
[size=3]When I was young and free and my imaginati     (月落乌啼霜满天 发表于 2008/4/14 20:07:00)
   you are right:if somebody can change himself ,he w     (jadewang 发表于 2008/4/15 19:25:00)
   All right!:)     (Stephen_Wu 发表于 2008/10/13 10:55:00)
   :) dreamer     (furimach 发表于 2008/12/5 13:10:00)
   The man who never give up.     (张勇 发表于 2010/6/10 8:32:00)
   If you want to change the wrld tomottow,you shoul     (heihaibailang 发表于 2011/8/9 13:24:00)
      单词 tomorrow 写错,帮忙纠正!     (Eric_chow 发表于 2011/10/12 10:03:00)
      单词 tomorrow 写错,帮忙纠正!     (Eric_chow 发表于 2011/10/12 10:07:00)
   有几个单词写错了,有几句语法还有点问题,还的努力哦     (609047602 发表于 2011/10/10 20:04:00)
   It's very good!     (wst20110829 发表于 2011/12/8 16:03:00)
   good:)     (瓦山劲旅好男儿 发表于 2012/5/25 13:27:00)
   If I had changed myself first,then by example Icou     (飞新达00001 发表于 2013/5/11 8:20:00)

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