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本主题被查看36817次, 共4个帖子
标题: 无基材双面胶
UID: 159
精华: 1
积分: 47
帖子: 32
注册: 2007/5/5 15:58:00
状态: 离线
威望: 10.00
金钱: 6.05 元
2007/5/6 21:04:00
laminate a easy release gassine liner on the adhesive, then die cut it with 6 cavity die, strip of the liner waste, then laminate a single side tape to strip the adhesive waste and top liner on adhesive. at last laminate a fresh liner to the part. you had better to handle it with rotary die cut machine die.

本主题被查看36817次, 共4个帖子

标题: 无基材双面胶
我司有**款直径为12mm的圆形产品,它是3M200的材质(无基材双面胶),客户要求保留原离型纸,还     (拼搏 发表于 2007/4/25 19:53:00)
   开六模的磨具直接冲即可     (hhyyuusheng 发表于 2007/4/26 21:44:00)
   laminate a easy release gassine liner on the adhes     (stack_die 发表于 2007/5/6 21:04:00)
   太简单了.我想你现在已经搞定了就不用告诉你了要是还没有的话就打13537686721     (hongjianzhuang 发表于 2007/6/21 11:27:00)

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