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标题: 刀模的公差
UID: 1333
来自: 北京
精华: 0
积分: 91
帖子: 81
注册: 2007/11/1 9:56:00
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金钱: 12.35 元
只看楼主 2008-01-15 20:53
                Solid, Magnetic and Flatbed Dies
    The following information has been sent to us by the tooling manufacturer and is therefore exact and can be referred to with complete confidence.
    As an example – if you ordered a Magnetic cutter from Brownett of dimension 35mm x 23mm, the tolerances listed below would mean that the cutter dimensions could vary in size to 34.9 to 35.1mm x 22.9 to 23.1mm.
    As stated, if you required a tighter tolerance, please ask them as it may vary from size to size whether +/-0.05mm can be achieved。
    It is vital to remember that these tolerances are related to the production of cutters, and in no way infers that the tolerances of our label production are as stated in this document。

    The print to cut tolerances of our printing presses are + / – 0.5mm。

roader 最后编辑于 2008-01-15 20:54:33

是你的不用强求,不是你的强求无用。守信重义,理智服务 -------  石生  13521695774
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